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Linux Package Deployment

You can deploy a Lacework Edge connector to an existing Linux virtual machine using a single script. This script works with Debian (Ubuntu), CentOS (Redhat) and Alpine-based Linux distributions.

Before starting, create a connector token, as described in Lacework Edge Connectors.

Install via Script

  1. Download and run the connector installation script, which installs either the deb or rpm package:

    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sudo bash

    Note: Docker Engine is a requirement for the Lacework Edge Connector to run. If not yet installed on this machine, the script will attempt to install it automatically.

  2. Once the install is complete, paste the connector token you created into /etc/edgeguardian/connector-token

  3. Restart the eg-connector service as described in the following section.

Manage the eg-connector Service

Once installed, the Lacework Edge Connector service, eg-connector, will be present as a systemd service.

To manage the service, use systemctl:

sudo systemctl [enable|start|stop|restart|status] eg-connector

Verify that the connector appears in the console, as described in Verify Connector State.