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AWS Deployment

Lacework Edge connectors enable access for your users to AWS networks and the resources in them. For more information on connectors, see Lacework Edge Connectors. To deploy connectors to AWS networks, use the Lacework Edge CloudFormation template, as described here.

Before starting, create a connector token, as described in Lacework Edge Connectors.

Deploy a Connector

  1. Log into your AWS CloudFormation console, click Create Stack > With new resources.

  2. Create stack

  3. Specify stack details

    • Stack name: Enter a name with only numbers, letters, and dashes (-), with a maximum of 20 characters.
    • Parameters:
      • EGConnectorToken: Paste the connector token you created.
      • VpcId and VpcSubnets: Select the VPC where this connector cluster should reside.
      • VpcSubnetsAssignPublicIp: Must be set to 'ENABLED' if the subnet you select is public, or if your VPC does not have a NAT gateway.
    • Click Next.
  4. Configure stack options

    • All of these settings can be left at their default values, or configured as you see fit.
    • Click Next to create your cluster.

Verify that the connector appears in the console, as described in Verify Connector State.