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Azure Deployment

Lacework Edge connectors enable access for your users to Azure networks and the resources in them. For more information on connectors, see Lacework Edge Connectors. To deploy connectors to Azure networks, use the Lacework Edge Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template, as described here.

Before starting, create a connector token, as described in Lacework Edge Connectors.

Deploy a Connector

  1. Click here to open the ARM Template in your Azure Portal.

    Alternately, you can deploy the template manually:

    • Download the template here.
    • Open your Azure Portal.
    • Under Marketplace choose Template deployment (deploy using custom templates).
    • In the Select A Template dialog, choose Build your own template in the editor.
    • Paste the contents of the template you downloaded into the editor and click Save.
  2. Once the Template is loaded, fill in the parameters accordingly. See the table below for details on each parameters.

  3. Click on Review + create at the bottom of the form once the parameters are filled in.

  4. Once Azure validates your entries, click Create at the bottom to create your connector VM and its resources.

  5. Once created, please wait ~5 minutes for the post-creation scripts to install the connector software on the newly minted VM.

  6. Verify that the connector appears in the console, as described in Verify Connector State.

ARM Template Parameters

ParameterDefault ValueAllowed ValuesDescription
connectorTokenEdgeGuardian Connector Token. To generate one, visit
location[resourceGroup().location]Region in which to deploy the Virtual Machine and its resources.
vmNameedgeguardian-connectorName to use for this Virtual Machine.
vmSizeStandard_B2sSize of the Virtual Machine. Standard_B2s is recommended.
adminUsernameazureuserUser name for the Virtual Machine.
adminPasswordOrKeySSH Key or password for the Virtual Machine. SSH key is recommended.
adminAuthTypesshPublicKeysshPublicKey, passwordType of authentication to use on the Virtual Machine. SSH key is recommended.
allowSshFALSEFALSE, TRUEAllow SSH traffic to this Virtual Machine.
vmDiskDeleteOptionDeleteDelete, DetachDetermines whether to delete or detach the OS Disk if this Virtual Machine is deleted.
vmDiskTypeStandard_LRSStandard_LRS, Premium_LRS, StandardSSD_LRSThe type of disk storage to use with this Virtual Machine.
vmNicDeleteOptionDeleteDelete, DetachDetermines whether to delete or detach the NIC if this Virtual Machine is deleted.
vnetNewOrExistingnewnew, existingDetermines whether or not a new virtual network should be provisioned.
vnetNameedgeguardian-connector-vnetName of the new or existing virtual network.
vnetResourceGroupName[resourceGroup().name]Name of the resource group for the virtual network.
vnetAddressPrefixes10.0.0.0/16Address prefix of the virtual network (ignored if existing).
subnetNamedefaultName of the subnet
subnetPrefix10.0.0.0/24Subnet prefix of the virtual network
publicIpNewOrExistingnewnew, existing, noneDetermines whether a public IP should be provisioned (new), reused (existing) or not assigned (none).
publicIpNameedgeguardian-connector-pipName of the public IP address
publicIpResourceGroupName[resourceGroup().name]Name of the resource group for the public IP address
publicIpAllocationMethodDynamicDynamic, StaticAllocation method for the public IP address
publicIpSkuBasicBasic, StandardSKU to use for the public IP address (