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Data Security

If your organization is like most, you have a wealth of information stored in various, distributed locations. Ensuring the security of this information is difficult, but it is essential for your organization's welfare.

Lacework Edge enables you to monitor documents within commonly used services, such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Dropbox, and more. Lacework Edge tracks access to documents and models who should have access to them. For example, you can detect and prevent when a user shares an internal document with a Gmail address. Lacework Edge can immediately detect, alert, and remove this permission.

Getting Started

Step 1: Integrate Document Storage Services

To be able to apply Data Security policies, you first need to integrate Lacework Edge with the content services used by your organization.

For details, see Document/Data API Integration

Step 2: Set Up App Control

App security policies let you block or allow specific actions on websites. To use app security, your users need to have the Lacework Edge browser extension deployed on their devices.

Once the extension is deployed, you can apply policies that allow or block the following activities:

  • Clipboard Copy: Blocking this operation prevents users from copying text from a website.
  • Clipboard Paste: Blocking this operation prevents users from pasting text to a website.
  • Print: Blocking this operation prevents users from printing documents from a website.
  • Document Uploads: Blocking this operation prevents users from uploading documents to a website.
  • Document Downloads: Blocking this operation prevents users from downloading documents from a website.

For more information, see App Control.