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Dashboards in Lacework Edge are customizeable pages assembled of cards that can be configured to show data from Lacework Edge datasets. These can be used to get an overall view of the organization, highlight trends in behaviors, dive deeper to investigate the context around alerts, and share insights within your organization.

Viewing dashboards

Click Analytics > Dashboards to view your organization's dashboards. Note that this option may not be available if your user role does not grant permissions to view data.

The dashboards page contains two additional tabs: Discovery and Templates. Discovery displays dashboards created by members within your organization; Templates displays dashboards created by Lacework Edge which can be used for quick results or as a starting point to further customize your dashboard. Each dashboard is displayed as a box with an icon. This icon is customizable and exists for you to quickly locate a dashboard from the list.

Creating and editing a dashboard

In the top right of the dashboards page, there is a button labeled New. Clicking this button will then prompt you for a title and icon. Once you have chosen these, you will be presented with a blank dashboard. This is a blank canvas to assemble cards and text.

Any dashboard listed under Discovery may be edited to add, remove, alter, resize, and reposition the cards it contains. To enter this view for an existing dashboard, simply click its box in the Discovery page.

Dashboards are in view-only mode by default once opened. To edit a dashboard, click the pencil icon in the top right. Once in edit mode, you will find the option to add a card. For more information on how to configure cards to display the data your desire for your dashboard, see the Cards page. Once placed on the dashboard, cards can be resized and repositioned.

If you wish to start from an existing dashboard but not alter it, you may choose to clone it so that the original remains unchanged while you customize the cards and presentation of the clone. To clone a dashboard, open it and click the "clone" icon to the right of the pencil "edit" icon.

Changes made in edit mode will not be persisted until you click the "save" button that appears in the top right when edit mode is activated. Note that this button is only available when a dashboard has at least one card.

Global Filters and Time Range

Beneath the dashboard title are two input sources that affect all cards in the dashboard:

  • Global Filters: Not all filters can be provided here, but any acceptable filter will apply to all cards that have not specifically opted out of global filters. To have a card opt out, from within the dashboard editor click the edit button on the card and uncheck the "apply global filters" checkbox.
  • Time Range: From the drop down menu, you may choose one of the many predefined time ranges. Generally, the predefined time ranges end with the present time, with the only exceptions being "last week" and "last month" that represent the last full week or month ending on a week or month boundary. Alternatively, you can choose "Custom Range" at the bottom of the drop down menu to specify an exact time range with any start and end time. Note that Lacework Edge may prune data more than 3 months old.

Sharing a dashboard

Dashboards can be shared by copying the URL from the address bar from your browser and sending this to another member in your organization with access to view data. When the recipient clicks the link, they will see the most recently saved version of the dashboard. However, there are more options for sharing your dashboard. On a dashboard page, a "share" button is located on the top right of the page, just to the left of the "edit" pencil icon. This share option can be used to create a link to the dashboard as saved or alternatively to the dashboard with the current time selection.

Deleting a dashboard

To delete a dashboard, open the dashboard and choose the trash icon "delete" button in the top right. Note that dashboard Templates are managed by Lacework Edge and cannot be edited or deleted.